Top 10 Best Washing Machine 2021 – Buyer’s Guide

Washing Machines are one of the most innovative and life-changing inventions of our time. It not only saves our valuable time but also prevents any hygiene issues. 

If you consider the list of luxury consumer electronics these days then washing machines don’t make the list. These days washing machines are need rather than want.

Products like top or best washing machines have got introduced in the market. And now people opt for and purchasing it depending on the basis of comfort, survival period it provides. So, therefore, the detergent bar advertisements were totally got disappeared by introducing these wonderful washing machines.

List of Top 10 Best Washing Machine

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All we need is the quality which can match or compensate for the budget that we spend on the product.

Top Rated Washing Machine

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Best washing machine brands in India 2020

No individual ideas are the same that’s why there are different types of washing machine brands in the market. So, it’s a choice of a buyer to choose a trending and best washing machine brand among all other brands in India.

The following are the best selling washing machine brands in India

  • LG
  • Bosch
  • Samsung
  • IFB
  • Whirlpool
Which type of Washing Machine you should go for?

The washing machine can be the absolute option to bring a smile to the faces of the women in your family.

But what type of washer you should go with?

The market is filled with different types of washing machines.

All types of washing machines available in the market give excellent results using different methods of washing clothes.

Fully-Automatic Washing Machine

The fully automatic washing machine caters to all your laundry needs, without any manual intervention. This type of washer comes with many unique wash programs and modes that you can choose from. Just select any washing program according to your washing requirement and fabrics.

The fully automatic washing machine is very easy to use. All controls are provided on the waterproof touch panel. You can start any wash program with just one touch.

Fully automatic washing machines not only make the laundry process easy, but this type of washers also come with a built-in water heating system that controls the hot washing cycle.

The fully automatic washing machine is designed with a single washtub to perform tasks such as soaking, washing, rinsing, and spinning. These machines consume less energy and water which not only makes them environmentally friendly but also helps you save money.

There are mainly two types of Fully Automatic Washing Machine, top-load washing machine & front-load washing machine.

Top-load washing machines [Fully Automatic]

Clothes are loaded from the top in a top-load washing machine, and their weight is light. It has a single tub for both washing and drying. Top-load washing machines require a continuous water supply and use it when needed.

Top loading washing machines are easy to use and cheaper than front load washing machines. This allows you to add clothes even after the start of the laundry. So, there is no need to stop or restart the wash program.

If you are suffering from back pain or leg/knee pain, go with a top-loading washing machine. This enables you to load or unload the machine while standing and prevents you from bending down.

How To Choose A Washing Machine – Important Features to consider


The capacity of the washing machine is the main feature to check for. You will be able to find washing machines with different capacity levels. So, you should choose the machine based on the number of people in your family.

You can choose 5 kgs or less capacity for a family of one or two members, go for 5 kgs to 7 kg capacity for a family of 2 to 3 members and you can choose, 8 kg capacity washing machine if you are having a family more than four members. Choosing a bigger one can be helpful when you need to wash a lot of clothes at a time, but choosing a small one may save you some money on the washing machine, but will waste a lot of time and power as well.

Temperature settings

Some washing machines offer you temperature settings to only a certain extent and in some machines you will be able to set the temperature a little higher. It all depends on the brand and only a few brands offer this facility. So, you should check in advance and then make a choice based on your requirement.

If you are having infants at home, then it is always a good choice to go for washing machines that can be set to a high temperature. The washing quality will be high and hygienic as well.

Spin Cycle

The next big thing you have got to view out for is the speed at the machine is spinning your clothes for drying. Whether you accept it or not, this is a crucial term that decides how well your clothes dried. If you cease up buying a machine with a low spin cycle, you would be taking out clothes that not dried proper and a little soapy.

On the other side, with a high spin cycle, there never be a chance of residual moisture retained in your clothes. They would be as dry as you would want them to be. The spin cycle measured in RPMs, so it is the number of spins taken in a minute by the machine.

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